I'm Still Breathing

Back in seminary I wrote a paper for my “Church as a Social and Cultural Institution” class and used lyrics from Green Day’s “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” to draw some parallels between the loneliness expressed in the song and the loneliness that people often feel in the pews of their churches.

Yeah, I know, I know - “more Green Day talk?”

What can I say? I’m on a Green Day kick lately after the high of seeing them in concert and uncovering my love for their music that was covered up back when I put their music away in favor of Christian music that won me the approval of professors, classmates, church members, etc.

(SIDE NOTE: my professor loved the paper and said, “I’ve never seen anything like this before and it honestly wouldn’t work for anyone other than you. I’d probably fail another student on this, but you’re getting an ‘A”.)


Green Day’s lead singer (Billie Joe Armstrong) struggled for a long time with a heavy alcohol and drug addiction to the point where in 2012 he had a complete meltdown on stage at a Music Festival, which ended with him cursing, smashing guitars, and checking into a rehab center shortly after.

Fast forward to 2024 and the band has just released a new album and is on a world tour with a fully sober Billie Joe Armstrong who truly seems to be having the time of his life - he is so much more present than he used to be, his wife has been with him, his son played a song with the band in London … it’s so fun to see.

One of my favorite songs of theirs is called “Still Breathing” and the lyrics go like this …

I'm like a child looking off in the horizon
I'm like an ambulance that's turning on the sirens
Oh-oh-oh, I'm still alive
I'm like a soldier coming home for the first time
I dodged a bullet, and I walked across a landmine
Oh-oh-oh, I'm still alive

Am I bleeding?
Am I bleeding from the storm?
Just shine a light into the wreckage
So far away, away

'Cause I'm still breathing
'Cause I'm still breathing on my own
My head's above the rain and roses
Making my way away
'Cause I'm still breathing
'Cause I'm still breathing on my own
My head's above the rain and roses
Making my way away
My way to you

I'm like a junkie tying off for the last time
I'm like a loser that's betting on his last dime
Oh-oh-oh, I'm still alive
I'm like a son that was raised without a father
I'm like a mother barely keeping it together
Oh-oh-oh, I'm still alive

Am I bleeding?
Am I bleeding from the storm?
Just shine a light into the wreckage
So far away, away

'Cause I'm still breathing
'Cause I'm still breathing on my own
My head's above the rain and roses
Making my way away
'Cause I'm still breathing
'Cause I'm still breathing on my own
My head's above the rain and roses
Making my way away, away

As I walked out on the ledge
Are you scared to death to live?
And I've been running all my life
Just to find a home that's for the restless
And the truth that's in the message
Making my way away, away

'Cause I'm still breathing
'Cause I'm still breathing on my own
My head's above the rain and roses
Making my way away
'Cause I'm still breathing
'Cause I'm still breathing on my own
My head's above the rain and roses
Making my way away (my way to you)

'Cause I'm still breathing (my way to you)
'Cause I'm still breathing on my own
My head's above the rain and roses
Making my way away
My way to you

… I’ve always loved that song because there are so many times in my life I felt like I was done, you know? I was on a ledge. I was scared to death to live. I was running. I was restless. I was floating out among the wreckage of my life, the wreckage of losing my dad in 2023, of leaving the faith of my youth, of losing friends and family and relationships over the years … but still breathing, still making my way.

I made a painting a few week’s back to honor Billie Joe Armstrong and his journey. I find his story so inspirational and so I wanted to capture some of that story with the lyrics of the song and make something fun with it. I ordered the March 2013 edition of “Rolling Stone Magazine” from ebay (it featured Billie Joe’s story of his “Road Back From Hell”) and cut it up to put together some pictures from that time of his life and then a picture of him today - still breathing, still singing, still spreading joy everywhere he goes with his music, his personality, and his belief in a better world.

It’s not for sale because, honestly - I want to give it to him someday (longshot, I know!). I’ve tagged him on social media, have reached out to his record label … I’m trying to think of any possible way to get it in his hands as a thank you for years of good music and my small way of saying, “thank you for the good memories” and “congratuations on the steps you’ve made in your journey”.


Prints are available. And so if you’re a Green Day fan or know one OR just need something in your home that will remind you to keep going, to keep pushing, and to not give up - various size options are available at affordable prices.

Keep Breathing, friends.

Much love.

Glenn Siepert