A Slight Shift

Hello Friends, 

I wanted to let you know that I’m making a SLIGHT shift in my content creation/sharing. Going forward, blog posts will move to once a week (Wednesdays) as opposed to the current 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday).


A few things ...

For starters, on Mondays new podcast episodes release and so it's a little much to release a podcast episode and a blog post and hope that people both read and listen.

Secondly, who has time to read 3 blog posts a week? Some people do, but I've noticed a lot of the content I've shared has fallen through the cracks. There's only so much we can intake on a weekly basis, right? Especially when the What If Project is one among many other projects who are doing similar work.

Thirdly, I have other things I want to write. I love to write, but sometimes after writing 3 blog posts in a week ... I have very little fuel left in the tank to write about other things. I have another book brewing and I just haven’t had the space to work on it!

So, there you have it. 

Starting next week posts will drop on Wednesdays. There may be weeks, of course, where there are 2 or 3 or 4 or whatever, but the regular cadence for now on will be once a week.

Also, have something to say? Email me and I’d love to have you “guest post” for me sometime. Everyone is welcome to share!

Much love,

Glenn Siepert