A Short Note

I'm not here to tell you what to believe. Or anyone, for that matter. In fact, I don't really care what you believe. As long as it isn't harmful to people, I don't really care and I'm not interested in debating it - it doesn't bother me in the slightest! 

You believe that "God is a green man on the moon who makes it rain sprinkles" ... ? Sweet, tell me more of this amazingness and why it's so important to you

And so when I write blog posts and record podcast episodes and say "this is what I believe" or "the Bible says this and I think it means this" or "I love the Gospel of Mary" or "this is what deconstruction has looked like for me" ... all I'm doing is sharing MY JOURNEY with you.

You don't have to believe what I believe.

You don't have to think the Bible says what I think it says.

You don't need to love the Gospel of Mary.

You don't need to "deconstruct" like me or deconstruct at all.

... You don't have to think along the same lines as me, you don't have to associate yourself with the same narrative as me, you don't need to be like me or think like me or like as much color as I do in order for me to appreciate you. That's not what the What If Project is about and it's not what it will ever be about. Instead, the What If Project is here to explore the question, "WHAT IF there are ways of thinking about God and faith and all the things that are different than what our traditions have handed us? AND. What if that's not just OK, but the way it's supposed to be?"

And so bring your ideas and your thoughts and your questions and your doubts and throw them on the table as we feast on plate after plate of raw uncertainty, raise our glasses to wonder, and enjoy the sweetness of Mystery ... all as we share the stories that bring our hearts to life and come to realize that we're all (each and every one of us) on the exact same journey to be and to become transformed into the divinely human being we have been created to be.


Glenn Siepert