An Email I Sent To The Head Of My Doctoral Program In 2017
I was going through some old emails the other day when I came across one that I had sent to the head of my doctoral program back on November 26, 2017. I had just finished a class that sparked all sorts of ideas in my head and really freed me to begin to "think differently" about God and faith and all the things. I had recently finished a paper for the class where I had to brainstorm some different ways that I'd (very practically) apply the course material and that's where the idea of the "What If Project" began to take shape.
And so I emailed the head of the program.
Not only had I known him for 13 years, but he was a co-professor for the class I took (along with his son who was an adjunct professor for that class - Bo, the guy who really encouraged me to get the project up and running) and so I wanted to share the idea with him to get an idea as to how it might be received in the setting of my very evangelical seminary.
After all …
I still had a dissertation to finish.
I still had a dissertation to defend.
I still had a diploma to get.
… And so part of me was a little worried that what I had in mind might cause some waves (it did, by the way) and make it more difficult for me to finish what I had started in that program.
As I would say to my wife a bunch of months later, if I'm going to graduate from this school as a "doctor" then I'm going to graduate as me … not some sort of "yes man" or "fraud" who just says what he knows everyone wants to hear so he can get a piece of paper in his hand.
"If I don't believe in hell, I'm gonna say it."
"If I think LGBTQ people aren't living in sin, I'm gonna say it."
"If I think Jesus didn't die to save me from his angry dad, I'm gonna say it."
… And so I did.
Anyways, I wanted to share the email with you that I sent to my professor because although episode 1 of the podcast didn't drop for almost another year (I put A LOT of thought and time and prayer into planning what this would look like), this email really shows the bubbling origins of the idea and where my heart (and excitement!) was at.
Sadly, if you're wondering, the email received no response. I wasn't surprised, to be honest … the sort of stuff I do isn't what the school hopes or expects their doctoral students to go on to do. The lack of response from him along with the pushback I received from the dean, a few professors, and fellow students spoke volumes to me.
I’m even told by a few people still at the school that my name and the podcast still come up with accompanying grins and eye-rolls in conversations at the school.
(**no hard feelings, by the way. I just find it comical and sad … and yet I understand. I grew up in that world, spent 19 years in that institution and so I get how hard it is to outwardly support someone who ‘goes astray’ from what is considered the norm … it’s not a black and white situation, it’s filled with lots of gray and lots of mixed emotions. No hard feelings on my part, though - I am forever grateful for my time there. I have chosen, however, to separate myself from it almost completely and have gotten really good at using the unfriend and block button as there are only so many conversations I can have and only so much my heart can take … don’t be afraid to do the same!)
But, alas - here we are 237 episodes later, 5.5 years later, 200,000+ downloads later, about to enter into season 6 of the show … and we're just getting started.
Check it out …
Hey ______,
I’ve got something I’ve been dreaming about and I’m itching with excitement about it. It’s vague, but I wanted to share it with you to get your thoughts and see if you could network me with anyone who comes to mind.
It’s called “The What If? Project” and it combines SO MUCH of the passions that God has been fanning into flame these last couple of years, stuff we talked about in the comprehensive exam.
Follow me here.
The What If Project asks the questions …
What IF there’s a better way to read our Bible?
What IF the way we’ve always understood the stories of the Bible aren’t the only ways to understand them?
What IF the various cultures of the Biblical texts mean more to those stories than we ever thought they did?
What IF there are different ways to apply the stories of the Bible to our lives?
What IF our theologies need to be updated for 2018?
What IF the Bible is more relevant than we ever knew or dared to imagine?
What if there are different ways to do church?
What if the church focused less on bringing people IN and more on going OUT to where people already spend their time (ex. the virtual world)?
… It asks these kinds of questions and more and explores the answers to them in weekly blog posts, podcasts, and online community discussion.
Each month would explore a different story from the Bible (ie. Adam and Eve, The Tower of Babel, The Flood, Parables, Revelation, etc, etc) and a podcast would be recorded with a knowledgeable person on that topic. We’d ask them questions pertaining to the story, probe for new insights and simply ask the question - WHAT IF there are other ways to understand this than the ways in which we always have? It’s not a time to debate or say “I think you’re wrong”, but more like “wow - what if you’re right? What are the implications?”
I’d love to pick Prof. Dost’s brain about the Genesis story. (He's been on the show, by the way!)
______ about Jonah.
Bo about ... everything haha. (Also been on the show!)
The objective is to bring a freshness to our reading of the Bible and seek to bring the Bible into the questions that people are asking about life instead of doing what we sometimes do all too well - answering questions no one is really asking.
I envision online communities.
Online communities turning into physical small groups of people who live within driving distance of each other.
This could even turn into books - “What If: Adam and Eve” , “What If: Noah” , “What If: David and Goliath” …
And church - what would it look like to bring church TO people? People stand on curbs in intersections all the time down here. What would it look like to (maybe on Ash Wednesday) set up a small table at an intersection, throw a stole on, and walk up and down the road at red lights putting ashes on people’s foreheads and saying a quick prayer for them on their way to work? (I did that, by the way on Ash Wednesday of 2018 right here in North Carolina!).
It’s all vague, I know, but I’m so excited about it. I feel like it would really speak to the tribe of people I attract and it’s right in line with my niche - creatively talking about the Bible and using technology to get the message out.
I’m going to use my final paper for our October class to deep dive into it.
Can’t wait.
That said, I need you to connect me with some people who are asking similar what if questions. Bo-Like people. Those people you mentioned from Duke. I’d love to meet them, talk with them, pick their brains, get their insights.
I’m ready to network. Help!
Let me know your thoughts.
Thank you!
- Glenn
The project has evolved a lot from these early ideas, but you can still see the ripples of those ideas in what we're doing today as we continue to explore the Bible (and beyond!).
What I'm most excited about, though, is that the community piece has really come to fruition - we have 52 Patreon Supporters from various spots in the US, Canada, UK, Norway, Malaysia, Australia, and elsewhere who are in a Discord group (and meet via Zoom 1x/month) to talk about life and faith and all the things. Many still go to church and for many the What If Project is their church community.
It's all so beautiful and sometimes I wish I could go back and tell 2017 Glenn how proud I am of him and that although what he was about to do would open up the fury of many upon him, it would be so, so worth it.
Thanks for reading, and again - thanks for supporting me, my family, and this project that we believe in so, so much.
Much love,
PS - If the What If Project (podcast, blog, vlog, Substack, etc.) has encouraged you in any way during 2022, please consider becoming a Patreon supporter HERE or making a one-time donation HERE.