Tarot Cards

I've was hesitant to come out with this. Embarrassed, even. Not so much because I thought that I did something wrong, but because all of my life I've been told that what I'm doing IS wrong.

It's wrong.

It's evil.

It's from the Devil.

But, here it is (and if you follow me on Instagram or TikTok, you already know): I've been using Tarot Cards as part of my spiritual journey.

Yup, Tarot Cards.

I started using them a little over a month ago when I came across a book written by a Catholic woman who talks about the history of Tarot Cards and how they have enhanced her own faith. Around the same time I also came across Facebook posts of a few friends/teachers that I admire and respect who shared that they use them on a somewhat regular basis.

"What is this?", I wondered. "All of my life I've been taught these came from the Devil and that having them in your possession can put you and your loved ones in great danger ... and here are these seemingly normal, everyday people who use them in conjunction with their other spiritual practices."

And so I ordered some books along with a deck of Tarot Cards and began to explore.

I mean.

What do you even do when you get a deck of tarot cards? Do you just rip open the box and get started? Is there something you’re supposed to do first? I had no idea. It’s all new to me.

The first thing I did (after skimming the introductions of the books) was “cleanse my deck” so that the energy of my being/self is associated with them.


Yeah. That sounds super weird, I know, but the books said to do it ... so I did.

To cleanse them …

I took the cards out of the box and tapped them with my knuckles, which (I read) associates the vibrations of my body with the cards.

Then I put them up to my mouth and I breathed on them.

(*Breathing on them was also suggested in the books, which I thought was interesting. It might sound blasphemous [let's face it, I'm already there so let's go big or go home, HA!], but as I was breathing on them I imagined God in Genesis breathing life into Adam and so I imagined myself breathing life into my cards.)

I also put them on the window sill in my office whenever the moon is full so that they can sit in the light of the moon, which (supposedly) also charges them.

The next thing I did was "interview the deck" because the books suggested that in order for these cards to become personal to me and my journey, I should interview them or ask them questions or ask God or the Universe or whatever questions about how he/she/it wanted to use the cards to speak to me.

That was interesting to me.

And so I took out my Rosary Beads that Alexander John Shaia sent me from the Camino in Spain and I laid the beads on the boxed deck of cards and I asked Jesus The Christ how he wished to use these cards.

5 specific questions …

"What are me and the cards meant to do together?"

"What do you want to teach me about myself through these cards?"

"What do you want to teach me about the world through these cards?"

"What card best describes this deck of cards?"

"What card best describes me?"


I won't tell you every detail of what I discovered, but it was so interesting. Basically I cut the deck into 5 stacks (1 stack per question) with my DOMINANT hand and then I chose a card from each stack with my NON-DOMINANT hand and the answers, honestly, almost brought me to tears.

For instance ...

What are me and the cards meant to do together? Hear from my inner child, and give him his voice back.

What are the cards here to do? Or what does Jesus want to do through the cards? (To) Love me.

What card best describes me? I'm exhausted.


The cards I pulled uncovered that I'm tired (which I admit, I am - the last year of life has been absolutely exhausting for 100 different reasons) and that God has come to whisper love through them and help me rediscover my inner child, my intuition ... a part of me that has been silenced by countless authority figures over the course of my life.

Since that first exercise (of interviewing the deck) I have used them every morning alongside my Bible reading and prayer/meditation time, and every morning I've been more amazed than the morning before concerning how the Spirit has used them to help me see things about myself that I hadn't seen before.

They aren't evil.

They don't predict the future.

They didn't even originate with the occult (they existed for a long time before they made their way to the occult [not that there’s anything wrong with the Occult either … that’s a term that carries A LOT of baggage] - and were a card game in Italy long before they were anything else!).

... They are good, they are useful tools in the hand of Jesus The Christ or Allah or YAHWEH or Mother Mary (or whoever you pray to!) to help us see things about ourselves and our situations that we were blind to before.

If you want know more, join the club - HA! I'll be sitting down with Brittany Muller for our Halloween episode (episode 228) who wrote the book I linked above, "The Contemplative Tarot: A Christian Guide to the Cards". We'll talk about the cards, her book ... and all the things - she’s even going to do a card reading for YOU, our listeners. After that episode drops, I’ll be dropping a YouTube Video every Friday morning where I share a bit about a different Tarot Card that I’ve pulled that has spoken to me in some way.

Hope you'll tune in.

Much love,

Glenn Siepert