Be Persistent In The Fight Against Injustice

In the story of the persistent widow (Luke 18), the widow approaches an unjust judge (who, Luke says, neither feared God nor had respect for people) and pleaded her case before him.


And again.

And again.

As the story goes, for a while the judge ignored her, but after a while he couldn't ignore her anymore and so he granted her request just so she'd go away and leave him alone.

What if the widow is teaching us more than just the importance of praying with persistence? What if she is (also ... or even more so!) teaching us the importance of not growing weary in the midst of pushing up against injustice?

If the unjust judge represents the injustices of the world, perhaps the widow represents Spirit empowered people who refuse to shut up and be silenced about the oppressions and injustices around them.

LGBTQ exclusion.


Political policies.

The church's (often) emphasis on an angry God.

Inequality in the workplace.



Perhaps the widow is representative of YOU and of ME and shows us what to do or how to handle and respond to the things in our lives that disturb us, bother us, and keep us awake at night?


May you not grow weary in the face of injustice today, but may you press on and keep pushing.

Much love,