Losing Support

I’m at a place in my podcasting journey where I lose Patreon supporters pretty much every month. I started the year with 50 supporters and have arrived in October with 42.

Some people leave because they have financial issues and Patreon doesn’t work in their budget anymore.

Other people leave because they planned to give a certain amount and they go support someone else once they reach that amount.

And others leave because they aren’t pleased with where my journey has taken me:

Some want more conversations about politics, racism, Chrisitan Nationalism, etc.

Others want more conversations about Deconstruction.

Others want me to take a political stand.

Some are freaked out by love for Tarot.

Some don’t want to hear from Witches.

… Lots of people leave for lots of reason, but a good chunk leave because they don’t approve of where my journey has taken me. Sometimes these supporters will go quietly and other times they will make their opinions very known. I even had one person (who identifies as a Progressive Christian) come into my Instagram DM’s to scold me about talking to a “medium” and warn me that I was on a dangerous path before withdrawing their support.


I don’t share this for pity, but rather to talk about the temptation to sell myself out (a temptation that is all too present in the life of any creator).

A “sell out” is someone who changes their message to suit the masses, get support, and build a following. And it’s tempting to do that. I have at least 20 people I can think of right now who I could email to record conversations about …

Christian Nationalism.

The MAGA Agenda.

Project 2025.






… But I don’t want to. Are those topics important? Sure. And would they get me a large group of listeners who will likely bring some support? Absolutely. But there are lots of podcasts talking about that stuff and I just don’t find it all that interesting or joy-bringing or life-giving (anymore).

Some people do, and that’s cool - you gotta do you, create the stuff you feel is important, and create the stuff that brings life to you and others. Absolutely zero shame in addressing topics I don’t find interesting like the ones I mentioned above - it’s just not where my journey has taken me.

Why? I don’t know.

I guess I’m just tired of taking sides. I’m tired of taking shots at other sides. It doesn’t mean I don’t have strong political opinions (I do) and it doesn’t mean that I don’t see the severity of this current election (I do) … nor does it mean that I don’t see the harm in things like Evangelicalism, Christian Nationalism, etc (I do, and over the last 315 podcast epsiodes AND books/blog posts/ etc. that I’ve written … we’ve spoken on those things).

I see all of it … I’ve just evolved to other places. After spending a lifetime putting “WE’RE RIGHT AND THEY’RE WRONG” energy into the world, I’m in a place where I’m interested in learning from people who come from very different places than me.

Like, I grew up being scared to death of “witches” and so I want to talk to witches now …

I want to know what a witch is and what a witch isn’t.

I want to know what it means for a witch to cast a spell.

I want to know what witches do.

I want to know why someone would find a home in witchcraft.

… I want to disarm the fear that is around witches for me and others. I want to humanize them, I want to hear their stories, I want to learn from them, I want to see how their story might be able to further or widen or challenge my own journey with the Divine, with Jesus.

And I want to do the same with …


Tarot Readers.





Heck - I’ve even entertained the thought of having a staunch MAGA supporter on the show so that I can ask questions, see the person’s humanity, and learn more about why they are so passionate about something I (and others) find so disheartening.

I’m not interested in proving anyone wrong, debating with anyone, or proving points; instead, I want to take the role of a student after spending a lifetime of elevating myself as a teacher, a professional, a source of knowledge.

And so that’s where I’m at and a lot of people aren’t happy with it.

Patreon is a key source of our income and so as I said, yeah - I’ve been tempted to pepper some of those other conversations into the mix and sell myself out; but I can’t … and I won’t … UNLESS my heart yearns for such conversations.


To all of those who has stuck with me on my journey, thank you. To those who stuck with me when I literally stopped doing everything for a good 6 months after my father passed away, thank you. To those who still support on Patreon and here on Substack, thank you. To those who buy my paintings, thank you. To those who continue to support even if they don’t like all the topics, approve of all the guests, etc, etc, etc - from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU. I hope that my dedication to my journey and staying true to my path will inspire you to stay true to your own.

As one of my favorite Green Day songs (Minority) says,

“Stepped out of the line
Like a sheep runs from the herd
Marching out of time
To my own beat now
The only way I know

One light, one mind, flashing in the dark
Blinded by the silence of a thousand broken hearts
"For crying out loud, " she screamed unto me
A free for all, f*ck 'em all, you are at your own sight.”

Keep being you, my friend.

Much love,

Glenn Siepert