Jesus Isn't Coming Back

(** This post is from Facebook, modified a bit for the blog)

I believe that the First Coming of The Christ was in Creation.

The Second Coming of The Christ was in the life of Jesus.

The Third Coming of The Christ is in you and me and everyone.

To me, it matters very much that the world is burning because this world is all that we get. I don't believe it will be remade or recreated or revamped by Jesus. And I don't believe that Jesus will swoop down one day to take away "the believers" while the world burns.


I believe that God has indwelled us with the power of himself/herself/themselves (since the dawning of time) to recreate the world today, to recreate the world in every generation.

And the world needs recreation, doesn't it?

How we treat each other needs to be recreated.

How we take care of the planet needs to be recreated.

How we make laws needs to be recreated.

How use technology needs to be recreated.

How we engage in war needs to be recreated.

Fools sit back and wait for God to come and make it all better while the wise roll up their sleeves and tap into The Christ ...

The Logos.

The Christos.

The Breath of God.

... within them and make it better today so that our children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren don't have to worry about being shot in school or not being able to get medicine or being shamed because of the color of their skin or their sexual orientation, their gender, etc, etc, etc.

Help me to be wise today, Spirit. Help me to recognize The Christ within me. Help me to see the way that Jesus lived and may the way he lived awaken in me the way you have always intended for me (for all of us) to live.


Pick up Tau Malachi’s book here, “The Gnostic Gospel of St. Thomas”.

Glenn Siepert