Summer Break

Hey friends - 2022 has been a fun time at the What If Project so far, hasn't it?  We've had some amazing conversations on the podcast and have shared some unique ideas on the blog.

And guess what?  We're only 6 months in!  So much more to come.

That said, I'm going to take a break from writing blogs this Summer.  No reason, really.  I just need a break.  Pumping out a blog post every week is exciting, but the well is running a bit dry.  OR (I should say) it's OVERFLOWING - I have so many ideas and feel like I don't know what to write about next, and so a break for the Summer will give those ideas some time to simmer so that the best ones can rise to the surface and make their way to the blog in the Fall/Winter.  Today (June 1) will be the last post until sometime in early/mid-September.


I have a writing project I may be venturing into with someone else ... more on that another time, but it will require a bit more attention that I'll be able to better provide with blog posts on the back burner. 

What I will say, though, is that even though I won't be writing this Summer - you're welcome to!  If you have something you're dying to share with the world, I'm happy to post it on the blog for you.  You know how it works, the more heretical the better - HA!  Got something you want to share about the Bible?  Atonement?  Hell?  Revelation?  LGBTQ?  Racism?  Write it up, send it over (, and I'll make a few tweaks (for online formatting) and share it with the What If Project universe.



That said, have a great Summer and follow me on the socials.  I'm most active on Facebook and Twitter these days, links are below.

Peace out.

  • Glenn



Glenn Siepert