I'm Writing My Next Book


The blog is back from Summer break and I hope this post finds you doing AMAZING. Today I wanted to share a piece that I sent my Substack subscribers who get my #CoffeeThoughts email. Essentially it’s blog posts that I share here along with other random check-ins and sharing of things I think y’all might find interesting and/or helpful.


I am adding a PAID tier where for $7/month you will get excerpts from my upcoming writing projects (I’m working on my next book, which is the FIRST in a FOUR part series).

Here’s what I shared with them along with a link to subscribe to a free or paid version.



Hey Friend,

How has your Summer been? I live in the deep South and so we have Summer temps here until Christmas, HA!

Seriously, though - I hope it’s been amazing.

Things are gearing up for the Fall in the Siepert house. My beautiful daughter just started KINDERGARTEN and that has brought a HUGE and MASSIVE mix of emotions to daddy.

I’m excited.

I’m thrilled.

I’m sad (I’ve cried EVERY DAY so far!)

… If you’re a parent, you understand, right? It’s an absolute THRILL to see your kid step into a new world, but it’s sad to think that things will no longer be as they were.



(**By the way, my friend Sebene Selassie who is a meditation teacher and expert in the field of mindfulness is joining me on the podcast NEXT month for episode 221 to talk about this exact struggle - the struggle of living MINDFULLY in the present while also GRIEVING the fact that the present moments are slipping away - don’t miss it!)

Anyways, as year 4 of the podcast kicks into high gear you may notice a few changes coming to the #CoffeeThoughts email, most notably that there is now both FREE content and PAID content.





Free content will be the same as always - I’ll use this space to share blog posts that also go up on the website at whatifproject.net (weekly or bi-weekly on Wednesdays OR whatever day I feel like sending them - HA!). I will also send occasional emails about events, podcast series, and other things you may (or may not!) be interested in. And every now and again I’ll just say “hi!”.


Paid content will be a $7/month subscription to get an extra perk you can only get here: excerpts of my upcoming writing projects.


I’m 25 pages and 6,000 words into writing my next book and will aim to get you AT LEAST one of these excerpts a month (sometimes more), but how much time I devote to book writing all depends on what my schedule looks like in a given month.


Some months you might get one entry.

Others you may get two.

Others you may get none.

BUT, one a month is the goal AND the book I’m currently writing is (likely) the FIRST in a series of FOUR … so I hope to have excerpts for you for many, many months to come.

The money you give here (just as on Patreon) will go towards helping us pay the bills every month. I have no shame in that, the What If Project is a HUGE undertaking that I pour a ton of time into and so if it has benefited you at all - please consider giving here or over at patreon.com/whatifproject

(**NOTE: as a Patreon supporter you get entrance into a community where you’ll have various opportunities to meet with and connect with people who are evolving in their faith - a Discord Group, Zoom Connections, Books Clubs, and more).

… My family and I are eternally grateful for your generosity and encouragement - really, THANK YOU.


That said, you’ll be hearing from me with some blog post stuff soon and a book excerpt as well.

Let me know how you’re doing - I’m here and interested! Just reply to this email and tell me what’s going on.

Much love,

Glenn Siepert