Changes Coming in 2022

Happy New Year my friends! We made it through 2020 2.0 and have arrived at the threshold of 2022. I hope and pray that this year brings you hope, joy, and peace - to you, your family, your friends, your loved ones. 

2021 was an amazing year for the What If Project, and I can’t thank YOU enough for the part you played in it. Here’s a bit of what transpired …

The podcast was downloaded 36,500 times.

The YouTube channel was viewed 40,000 times and picked up 630 subscribers.

The Blog was viewed 9,696 times by 4,934 people from 69 different countries.

I quit my job at Apple after 11 years to pour more attention into the What If Project.

I picked up some social media gigs with …

Alexander Shaia.

Quoir Publishing.

Bart Ehrman.

Can I Say This At Church Podcast.

Conversations Podcast.

… And I finished my book that will be published via Amazon on January 25, 2022. 

SO MANY amazing things and I can’t thank you all enough for listening, reading, watching, sharing, supporting - y’all are amazing and I’m so grateful for this beautiful tribe that has jumped in the lifeboat with me to explore our questions, doubts, and uncertainties about God, faith, the Bible, and all the things.


That said, I wanted to share with you some updates coming to the What If Project this year in terms of when content will be going out so that if you call the What If Project home you’ll know what to expect and where to find all the heretical treats we shoot out into the inter webs.

PODCAST: on Mondays you can find new podcast episodes on Apple PodcastsSpotify, or on your favorite podcast platform. I’ll release the audio version in these places and the video on our YouTube channel. 

BLOG: on Monday / Wednesday / Friday I’ll release a new blog post that will go out right here on the blog and also via our Substack newsletter. If you follow me on Facebook you’ll remember that from October - early December I was releasing “Coffee Thoughts” every morning where I’d share a steady stream of thoughts that were coming to me as the steam from my coffee hit my brain - thoughts about God, faith, life, etc. The Monday / Wednesday / Friday blog posts will be these same types of “Coffee Thoughts” but distributed via the blog and newsletter as opposed to Facebook. 

VLOG: I’ll release new Vlog episodes on YouTube … when I get to them. These were going out weekly during the Fall, but the reality is that it’s not sustainable for me nor does the time it takes to do them match their reach. And so although YouTube will be active every week with new podcast episodes, the Vlogs will move to not really having a schedule. I may do one once a month or maybe every other month or maybe twice a week. There’s no plan, I’ll just put them out whenever the creative bug strikes me. 

PATREON: as for Patreon supporters, all Patrons will get the blog posts (and whatever vlog posts we out out) a week in advance with $20 supporters getting a quarterly Zoom call with a previous podcast guest and $30 supporters getting a bi-monthly call with me to talk about a predetermined topic or book that we read together. 

BOOK: I’m working on a new book that I hope to release towards the end of the year. Will that happen? Who knows, but it’s the New Year so let’s set some goals - HA! I will likely share excerpts here and there on the blog throughout the year. Maybe. We’ll see. 

… And there you have it. The biggest change, really, is LESS Vlog episodes and MORE Blog posts. Truth be told, I have a passion for writing and not only do I believe it’s my greatest strength, but it’s also the creative outlet that brings ME the most joy … yes - ME; and so not only do I want to get better at it, but I also want to devote more of my energy to it as opposed to diverting it to other places that although I may enjoy … maybe aren’t the best uses of my energy.


All of this could change, of course. I am the CHO (Chief Heretic Officer) of the project and so I do what I want, when I want, how I want to do it. I may cut off Vlog episodes completely or move them to bi-monthly or even bi-weekly. I may start blogging everyday or blogging only once a week. I may do 2 podcast episodes a week instead of 1. Who knows what the year will bring, but this feels like a good place to start.


To summarize, if you want to make sure you don’t miss anything …

SUBSCRIBE to the YouTube channel.

SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

SUBSCRIBE to the Substack Newsletter.

VISIT often.

FOLLOW me on Facebook.


ORDER my book on Amazon on January 25, 2022 (it won’t be up until then). 

What do y’all think?

I’m pumped, hope you are too. 

Happy New Year!

Glenn Siepert