Let's Talk About Christmas

Hey Friend,

DID YOU KNOW: Christmas wasn’t always a whirlwind of commercialized rituals and frenzied shopping like it is for so many today.

I know, I know - Christmas already?! It’s not even Halloween! But, bear with me, OK? I wouldn’t steer you wrong!

Anyways, Christmas wasn’t always about …

Getting the NEWEST video game system.

Getting the HOTTEST new iPhone.

Getting a NEW this and a NEW that and a NEW that other thing.

In fact, much of what we now call Christmas was originally part of the Winter Solstice (recognized by the Celts as a time of change!) a threshold from one season to the next that heralded the rebirth of the sun and the enduring promise of life.

Still with me?

It was a time when dualities merged in harmony — spirit and earth, light and dark, male and female — to usher in the return of generosity and generativity, referred to by the Celts as the Golden Child … and by Christians as Jesus the Christos.  

On Tuesday, October 18, my friend Alexander John Shaia will help us explore where Celtic and Christian rituals have converged throughout time to create our most beloved Christmas traditions.


He’ll help us learn long-lost practices for reconnecting with the Earth and the sanctity of the holiday season.

OH, and did I mention? - it’s FREE!

You can register here for the event (the title is Rediscover the Generosity, Generativity & Awe of the Winter Solstice Through Long-Lost Celtic & Christian Rituals) where we’ll …

  • Rediscover the rich symbolism of the Sacred Feminine, the Sacred Masculine, and the Golden Child — sanctifying your holiday season with new meaning, depth, and tradition  

  • Learn how to embrace a sacred darkness so as to birth yourself anew — and why lighting candles in and not against the dark is an antidote to the pain of insularity — and a way to meet the dark time with generosity and generativity

  • Explore why the Celts used the wood of the sacred tree to entice the Green Man to return to Earth — and how this tradition can enrich your holiday season 

  • Learn Celtic rituals for choosing, erecting, decorating, and laying to rest your Christmas tree that revivify the sacredness of the solstice and the season

  • Be guided through a deep meditation with the Great Tree — a visceral experience of the senses to reignite wonder and awe amidst the dark season

During our time with Alexander John, we’ll learn how to reconnect with the inner and outer rhythms of life by integrating the symbolism, myths, and merriment of the original Celtic holiday season AND learn Celtic rituals for choosing, erecting, decorating, and laying to rest our Christmas tree that revivify the sacredness of the solstice and the season.

Ultimately, we’ll be immersed in the true origins of Christmas that will help us illuminate the dark, reconnect with the Earth, and sanctify our holiday traditions.

Sound like fun? I think so! Here’s the link again:



P.S. I hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled, BUT if you register and miss it, no worries - you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available!

Glenn Siepert