
Jacques Derrida was a French philosopher who coined the word "deconstruction" along with another interesting phrase I've recently learned of:


Yes, "hauntology".  A quick Google search will tell you that hauntology refers to "a range of ideas referring to the return or persistence of elements from the social or cultural past, as in the manner of a ghost."


I’m not a philosopher and this is NOT necessarily the proper interpretation, but what this brings up in me is that there are certain ideologies or systems that might "die" in that they aren't as prevalent in the world as they once were, but (even so) they continue to haunt a society from the grave.

Perhaps Nazism would be a good example today?  Or the Confederacy?  Both of these were powerful systems in their time that were put to death by other systems.


Even though both of those systems are dead, there's a dude down the street from me who has a Confederate Flag hanging on his house and another guy who drives a jeep with a Swastika sticker on the bumper. 

Both of these systems are dead, right?  They were the losers in some hard fought battles and yet they continue to haunt our society from the grave with their hatred, their scorn, and their wickedness.

I can relate to this interpretation of hauntology … can't you?

There are so many things in regards to my faith / walk with God that I have tried so hard to put to death over the last 5 years.



Ideas about God.

… Things that I used to cling so tightly to only to finally discover the truly traumatizing scars they left on my soul.


End Times / Rapture.

The Atonement.

Original Sin.

Biblical Inerrancy.

These are all ideas and concepts that I used to adhere to with a fierce faith, but have slowly let go of over the past 5 or so years.

I don't believe them anymore.

I don't cling to them.

I don't adhere to them.

They are dead to me. 


Even so.

… They continue to haunt me. 

Th ghosts of hell haunt me every time a bully tells me that I'm going there because of what I do with the podcast and how it leads people astray.

The ghosts of End Times theology knock on the door of my heart every time I hear of another massive hurricane or fire or rumor of war.

The ghosts of Atonement.

The ghosts of Original Sin.

The ghosts of Biblical Inerrancy.

… All of these ghosts knock on the door of my heart at random times in my day to nag me and scare me and keep me locked up in fear, anxiety, and worry.


And so as Halloween approaches and I'm pondering all things "haunty" …

(My 5 year old daughter is OBSESSED with Halloween and for some super odd reason she loves creepy things and so we are aiming for a super spooky Halloween season!)

… I will be reminding the ghosts of my old beliefs that they are (indeed) dead and have zero hold over my life, my heart, my mind, my soul, etc.

When hell comes knocking - "you're dead to me."

When End Times theology comes howling - "goodbye."

When Atonement or Original Sin or Biblical Inerrancy jump out and yell "BOO", I'll bust out my Ghostbuster Proton Pack and suck them up.


You see, these ghosts need to be reminded who's boss and who calls the shots around my life.  They don't call the shots nor do the random and out of context Bible verses that they carry with them.


I call the shots in my life and I say what ideas and beliefs and theologies and doctrines and ghosts are allowed to take a seat at my table. 

How about you?

What old theologies and doctrines and ideas that you've put to death are haunting you these days?  Remember that when they pop up and scare you, you aren't the one with the problem.  There's nothing wrong with you.  It's perfectly normal to be triggered by certain circumstances so much so that the ghosts you put to rest arise from their graves to cause you to sweat and shake and cower in fear.

It's OK.

You're normal.

There's nothing wrong with you.


Take a deep breath.

Be aware of your surroundings.

Take another deep breath.

… and tell them to get lost.


Glenn Siepert