A Letter From The Virus
I came across this YouTube video the other day and wanted to share it with you all. It's called "A Letter From the Virus" …
(Watch it and then read the rest :) ).
There are things in the video that some might disagree with in regards to climate control and that sort of stuff, but if that's the biggest thing we come away with then I think we've missed the point.
The point, I think, is that as a culture and as a humanity we don't know how to stop.
We keep going.
We keep producing.
We keep making.
We keep inventing.
We keep creating.
We keep pushing.
We keep striving.
We keep moving mountains.
We keep building.
We keep working.
We keep building our 401K.
We keep gathering more and more and more and more.
We continuously and daily and hourly and minute by minute add more and more stress and pressure to ourselves, to our fellow human beings, and to the planet upon which we live with little to no regard about how that adding of more might impact our present or or future.
And now?
We have been forced to hit the brakes and bring the whole thing to a screeching halt.
Like …
A saw a satellite image the other day that showed the air quality in various heavily polluted areas having a great increase in quality almost overnight.
I've seen posts of people spending extra time with their families.
I see people on Facebook who never even talk about their families now posting pictures and talking about their spouses, their kids, etc.
I don't know what it all means, to be honest. It's too early in this new life and this new season to really understand it, but I sense that although this virus is taking an immense toll on humanity, it's also giving us a precious gift - the gift of seeing the need to slow down, to stop, to soak in the moments, to breathe, to just ... be.
Look up at the sky.
Look out over the ocean.
Take an extra few moments to look in your eyes in the mirror in the morning.
Hug your loved ones a little longer.
What will happen when it's over, though? I guess that's the big question - will we all go back to our normal way of being in the world, or will we leave our homes with new a new perspective on life that will forever change the way we live and interact with one another?
I don’t know, really.
What I do know, though, is that we have some work to do … and we need to hold on to hope. And so, deep breaths these days, my friends.
Much love,