(Re)Thinking Everything - Excerpt

My book (Re)Thinking Everything released on Tuesday and I'm SO PUMPED ABOUT IT!  Did you get it yet?!  Head over to Amazon right now and prepare to have your life changed.  HA!  Here's an excerpt from chapter 5, A Letter to the God I Used to Believe In.


AND here’s a link to the book.


And I used to love you - I really, truly did. I used to adore you. I used to hold you up on a pedestal. I worshiped you and I dedicated my whole life to you … numerous times.  I’d raise my hands in church when I sang to you and I’d meet you up at the altar to pray after sermons.


I take that dedication back.

I take them all back.

The prayers.

The worship.

The adoration.

I do not love you.

I take back my life.

I take back my heart.

I take back my freedom.

I take back anything and everything I ever gave you, you monster.

And … I’m here today to show you the door, the exit out of my life … once and for all. The COVID-19 pandemic that has ravaged our planet for the last year and a half along with various hurricanes, fires, floods, senseless deaths, shootings, and more has created a lot of new feelings in me and this is one that I feel I need to publicly express to you:


Perhaps that will cause you to smite me. I’m not really sure. The same people who talk about how all-powerful you are also assure me that you have a special oven where you send people like me who believe the wrong things about you, speak in ways that you consider blasphemous, and have the audacity to question you.

So be it, I guess.

Burn me.

Torch me.

Light me on fire.

Do whatever you need to do, but know this: I can’t give my life to a god who would create a virus that is killing people every day or a god who sends hurricanes to destroy innocent lives much less a god who has the power to STOP such things, but chooses not to because “his ways are greater than our ways” or whatever other out of context Bible verses there might be back up such a stupid claim.

Glenn Siepert