FREE EVENT: Discover How Christianity’s 4-Path Journey Can Awaken You to a Deeper Reality


I have an AMAZING opportunity for you to be part of.

Are you ready?

Brace yourselves!

Y’all know my friend Alexander John Shaia? He’s been on the podcast a bunch of times and is not only my friend, mentor, and guide … but he’s an OUTSTANDING teacher, writer, and thinker.


He’s ALSO my “boss”, HA! I’m his “Social Media Wizard”, fearlessly cooking up images and posts and all sorts of things to share out on his various social media platforms.


On Saturday, January 15, he will share the universal 4-path journey — recognized by every major spiritual tradition, from Shamanism to Judaism, and by mythology and psychology —  as a powerful and reassuring guide to transformation for these INSANE times that we are in.

Who doesn’t need that, right?!

You can register here for Discover the Mystical, Feminine Map to Transformation Hidden in Christianity’s 4 Gospels

In this eye-opening HOUR, you’ll:

  • Discover the beauty and power of the 4-Path Journey underlying all great spiritual traditions — and how it awakens us to a deeper reality that liberates fear and cultivates trust

  • Experience a profound guided meditation welcoming you into the rhythm of a 24-hour cycle as you imagine a dark time in your life, yet  arrive at the dawn of a new day, feeling more grounded and at ease

  • Excavate gifts for your transformation from Christianity’s mystical feminine teachings hidden beneath the shadow of patriarchy

  • Learn how the Story of John may have been written by a woman

  • Find out if you’ve been lured by The Dangerous Beautiful, Alexander John’s phrase for spiritual bypass or the inability to properly embody and express the high-voltage energy of awakening

Alexander John reveals uncommon wisdom about these mystical paths — profoundly feminine teachings hidden in Christianity’s gospels, many of which have been “lost” for over a thousand years — that illuminate a vital life map leading us to inner freedom, safety, respect, and a profound connection with God.

You’ll discover a way to live with a trust that is beyond hope in the face of change, loss, fear, overwhelm, and discontent — that's available and applicable to everyone, regardless of gender, ethnicity, orientation, spiritual tradition, or no tradition.

You can RSVP for free here:

I’ll be there and I hope you can join too!

  • Glenn

P.S. In Discover the Mystical, Feminine Map to Transformation Hidden in Christianity’s 4 Gospels you’ll experience a guided meditation to glimpse the beauty and power of Christianity’s 4-Path Journey — and how it can awaken you to a deeper reality, liberate you from fear, and help you cultivate trust in the face of your darkest moments.

I hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled.


Good news: even if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available:

Glenn Siepert